来源:http://www.38qa.cn/ 发布时间:2018-04-02
1. light weight; aluminum density is 2.73g/m3, only steel 1/3.
2., high strength; high strength can be achieved through component configuration, processing and heat treatment.
3., corrosion resistance. The oxide layer with self rust resistance can prevent oxidation and rust of metals, and is good for acid and alkali resistance.
4., installation is convenient; aluminum metal can be riveted, welded, glued and other ways.
5. environmental protection, recyclable recycling.
铝镁锰板的种类:A、原色锤纹 Stucco(无规则压纹)、Emboss(规则压纹)
The types of aluminum, magnesium and manganese plates are A, primary color hammer, Stucco (irregular grain), Emboss (regular embossing).
锤纹的主要目的: 1、增加铝镁锰板刚度;
The main purpose of hammer stripe is as follows: 1, increase the stiffness of Al Mg Mn board.
2, to prevent light pollution;
3, more uniform oxidation.
B、烤漆涂层 (PVDF、PVF2、PE);屋面及外墙用铝镁锰合金一般采用预滚涂(Coil Coated)工艺,具有色差控制好、漆膜均匀、质量稳定性高、环保等点。涂层种类一般选用含氟碳树脂70%以上的PVDF氟碳漆。
B, lacquer coating (PVDF, PVF2, PE); aluminum and magnesium manganese alloy in roof and exterior wall generally use Coil Coated technology, with good color difference control, uniform paint film, high quality stability, environmental protection and so on. The type of coating is generally PVDF fluorocarbon paint containing fluorocarbon resin more than 70%.
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